My sweet little guy is 1 week old today. Here are a few things we have been up to the last week.
1. Eating
2. Sleeping
3. Eating
4. Sleeping
5. Being extremely cute!
1. Getting lots of sleep at night (thanks to my mother-in-law)
2. Trying to master the art of editing with one hand
3. Being emotional
4. Being tired...which doesn't make sense considering #1
5. Loving my new little guy

Thanks to my clients for waiting patiently with me while i try to catch up on editing and orders. More pics coming soon!
So cute Shannon!
Oh my goodness!!! I love him. Love his little tongue sticking out! They are adorable but really don't do him justice if that's possible.
Shannon, he is adorable!!! Seriously, he is so cute! I want to come and hold him! Congrats!!!
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